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Learn how this drill helps you separate your top half from your bottom half to help improve your bat speed.
The high knee drill helps you maintain balance, while creating more force in your swing.
The extension drill helps you practice extending all the way through the zone.
The bounce drill helps you learn how to shift your weight from forward to back to mainting balance and create momentum.
The backside release drill helps you focus on your hip turn to help create torque.
The extension hold drill helps you get your muscles familiar with what if feels like to hold an extension.
The stationary tire drill is a position drill, where you put the body in a stationary position and practice on working through a move, to help create a feel for what you want the body to do.
The active tire drill helps you train your body to swing more efficiently.
The active tire with elevation drill helps you work on your body sequence to help improve your swing.
The resistance drill helps you work on Rotational Acceleration, helping your body sequence properly.
The live elevation drill helps you flow through movements and and let the swing work from the ground up, through the back.
The PVC pipe drill will help you keep your bat path more consistently on plane.
The Trigger, Trigger, Fire drill will help you maintain good connection between your body tilt and bat angle, helping you adjust for all pitch locations.
The Step Behind drill will help you increase your rotational acceleration to generate more power, giving you more time to adjust for all pitch locations.
The Impact Bag drill helps increase your Rotational Acceleration.
The ball constraint drill helps improve your On Plane Efficiency numbers and Connection at multiple different pitch locations.
Heavy bat training helps you self organize to sequence properly and will help you improve On Plane Efficiency and Rotational Acceleration.
Light bat training will help you increase your speed throughout the swing.
The resistance with bands drill will help your body sequence properly and create force, from your stronger muscles.
Use the Sessions feature within the Blast Softball app to compare the evolution of the swing and see how the environment impacts practice vs in-game swings.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the 90 degree load drill to help improve Early Connection and Connection at Impact.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the barrel tip drill to help improve proper body sequencing.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates how to properly turn the barrel into the zone using a PVC pipe.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates a good barrel turn to help stay On Plane as long as possible.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the H drill to help athletes train to get On Plane, stay Connected, and create Rotational Acceleration.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the high knee drives to create mobility and dynamic acceleration.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the load turn drill to create a strong athletic position.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the lower - upper body separation drill, which will help increase Rotational Acceleration.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the step back drill, which will help increase the Rotational Acceleration score and metrics.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the u-turn drill to help improve proper body sequencing.
Fury Platinum head coach Josh Bloomer demonstrates the wall drill to help player get On Plane.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses how you can use Blast Softball for slapping.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses the importance of baseline metrics for slapping.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses how to use Blast Softball sessions for slapping.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates a power slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates a chop slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates a soft slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates the split stance - power slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates the split stance - chop slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses and demonstrates the split stance - soft slap using Blast Softball.
Allexis 'Chip' Bennett discusses how the trigger, trigger, fire drill will help you with your attack angle and on plane efficiency when slapping.